The meals for next week are ready for ordering now at the menu page! Hurry on down and load up so you can rest easy knowing we have your meals covered.
Changes! You may notice a few changes because we had to go and learn the hard way this past week. You will see the additional portions are renamed and accounted for a bit differently, bye-bye "Third" and "Fourth" portions, that way was fraught with problems, and so now you'll see "One Additional Portion" or "Two Additional Portions." The prices still have the same great discounts, so worry not. Also, you will now see what DAY the food is coming on your invoices because we added it to the title after the chef name. This means you'll be able to see what days you have food coming just by checking your invoice. You know, because the cart on our site treats everything like a product that's coming...tomorrow...and we both know that's not true. Most everyone understands the meals belong to specific days, but it's hard for new folks w/ our configured wix site that just doesn't work exactly the way we'd like. So you'll continue to get additional days you order in a single week delivered for free as we work through these various issues.
Now, many of you were randomly selected and received 4-leaf clovers in with your meals this week as a small gift from us for trying out our St. Patrick's special meals. There are still a few I will be out delivering today because we just couldn't get little notes written fast enough for on-time delivery. Today is still St. Patrick's day, so you'll find them in your mailbox--so there is one last chance you'll randomly get the luck of the Irish today!
When I was 10 years old, I *decided* I would learn to find 4-leaf clovers. So I went out into the yard, and started searching and I didn't find one....I found dozens! It turns out my pattern-recognition brain is wired to find the square in the sea of triangles. I have been finding them in the droves ever since. I used to say, if there is one in there, I will find it.
Turns out, these "rare" genetic mutations are not so rare after all. The official scientific studies say that there is one 4 leaf for every 5,000 three leaf clovers (yes, even Scientific American has it wrong). If you do an Internet search, it will most likely tell you 1 in 10K, but that's just the Internets copying itself over and over from bad, non-peer reviewed data. So your first step is to find a patch of clover that is about four or five feet square, that is enough to give you about 5,000 clovers to search. Science tells us there should be one in there.
Now, the actual finding is the key. You cannot realistically look at every one of those 5,000 clovers to find your lucky one. The general advice is to stand and unfocus your eyes and scan the patch and look for variation. Over the years, I realized the "pattern" I was looking for is a SQUARE. Most clovers have three leaves and make a TRIANGLE shape. So to find one, you must look for the SQUARE in the SEA OF TRIANGLES. You will certainly get a lot of "false" positives, a square shape that is two clovers interlaced and masquerading as a genuine 4-leaf. If you find these, you're doing really good--even if they are frustrating. The more of these you find, you'll be training your brain to find the actual 4-leaf.
Now you have the two most important pieces of intel in order to find your own 4-leaf clover. Here are some additional anecdotal tips that I've learned over decades and decades of finding these:
Oxalis and White Clover both produce the same genetic mutation and will generate 4-leaf clovers.
Your chances are better of finding one in places where the grass/weeds are cut down regularly (I teamed up with a Stanford scientist to "prove" this but was defeated by rats who ritualistically ate all my clover patches I planted...sigh)
If you find ONE, there is a greatly increased chance you will find MORE right there or nearby.
Look at pictures online of 4-leaf clovers in the wild, this will also help train your brain to find the pattern you'd like it to find in nature:

Happy Hunting! Do let me know if you find one!